Capt. Matt Raley –

Capt. Matt Raley is a full-time professional hunting a fishing guide. Located in Arbor Vitae Wisconsin. Captain matt has been a licensed guide since 2005 and in 2008 went full-time after college. Capt. Matt grew up loving the outdoors. Started guiding to help pay for his hunting and fishing equipment. Got busy doing it and liked it so decided to jump into it full-time after college. I fell in love with the northwoods and decided to call the Minocqua area home. Capt. Matt guides fishing trips May thru October, guides duck hunts in Wisconsin in November, Texas gulf coast for waterfowl in December and January. March snow goose hunts, April and May spring Turkey. Capt. Matt spends hundreds of of days in the field each year. One of the busiest guides in the state.